Friday, January 6, 2012

Whole 30ying

So on January 2nd, I started the whole 30. Why not January 1st you ask? I have a hard time being a "joiner". It just rubs me the wrong way. Also, I had no intention of doing this until the Mr. gluten free NP decided he need to make some changes. He has been an avid carb eater/beer drinker forever so I had to grab this opportunity for change.

So what I am going to do is post both the glorious and not so glorious from the whole 30 extravaganza.

Here is the first breakfast, taken on the 2nd.

Okay, just kidding but I did make a lot of bacon.

Now, bacon is supposed to be eaten in moderation on the whole 30. I can respect that. In fact, I agree with it. That being said, I eat 1-2 slices of bacon a day. Clearly not moderate when you take in that it's 14 pieces a week or maybe it is moderate. I dunno, it's all semantics. The truth is that I don't over fry it and I buy quality bacon. Sometimes from the farmers market, sometimes from whole foods and soon from U.S. Wellness meats.

That's what I have to say about bacon and my new venture in the Whole 30. Stay tuned for further updates.

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